Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wake Up!

I set my alarm at 6 this morning so that I would have ample time to prepare for my duty that had a reporting time of 7. Unfortunately, I must have accidentally off it while shifting in my sleep, because it was off when I checked it. My friend, who booked in this morning for his duty too, came into bunk at 6:50 and turned on the lights, unaware I was inside. It woke me up and when I saw my clock I had a shock! So I rushed and changed and packed my stuff, constantly doing self checks to ensure I did not forget anything important. In the end, I forgot my pen... -.-

Duty duty duty. It's all about sleeping! Too bad I am not able to jam today because of my duty...fark.

She lives in a fairy tale,
Somewhere too far for us to find.

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