Monday, February 15, 2010

Not Sleeping!

Today was, routine, like every CNY. Well, one fun thing was eating lunch at a coffee shop nearby with my cousins. Ate char siew rice and hokkien mee, and taught my primary 5 cousin about chio bu.haha

Went to my other cousin's place, to see people gambling like crazy. Played a bit of Wii but didn't find it interesting. Maybe I'm just not that into games any more...

Ah yes, the big dinner where the big, big family all gather. Had fun with Charis, who tried to roll the toilet paper under 2 seconds. Hilarious. And one of them brought a girlfriend. Glad to have my failure rubbed in my face. Not like he did it intentionally, I'm kinda blaming fate instead.

And those pictures doesn't mean I'm a pervert.LOL

God I can't stand my grandmother!!!

Going to Kenny's house, and bringing along my guitar and other jamming stuff. Don't us me why I'm going, because I don't really know either. Think CNY is just too damn boring that I need to get out.

Hey dad, I know I tend to cross the line, but I appreciate that you are understanding. I know I should say this, but I just can't bring myself to.

Didn't hear from her for quite a while...maybe she just doesn't want to chat with me any more. Maybe it's because of the V-day thing...

No, not really...

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