Sunday, February 7, 2010

"Do bubbles mean pearls?"

Ok the day officially started when I got onto the cab to Parkway Parade. Anything before that was routine in my life, so there isn't a need to go into it.

Parkway Parade. I never really liked going there, or the whole Marine Parade as a whole. To take a bus, I would need to walk to a bus stop not quite near my house, and wait for one particular bus number that can take up to 30 mins to come. So naturally I'd choose to cab. Was my lucky break because an available cab appeared quite fast. When I told the guy that I wanted to go Parkway, he replied that Parkway are was always damn crowded. Then he went on about things like women drivers, the hot sun and Saturday traffic jams. I wondered why he was so chatty to me. I didn't really listen to him, but tried to seem interested by dropping some "True! True!" and chuckles as he spoke.

Finally reached Parkway at 12.58pm, meaning I wasn't late. Close call. Some TKGS girls were collecting donations and I gave $1, but I turned down the sticker. And I regretted the decision after realising the whole area was flooded with them. Dressing so well and turning down all those poor girls makes me seem stingy. My cousin used me as a reason to avoid donating. "Oh he donated already." LOL

So met my cousin to eat at Ichiban Boshi, where I ate Chicken Katsu Koji and several other stuff that my cousin made me try.haha Took us so long to finally decide on that place, but the food was awesome so no regrets! But I have to admit that the chicken smelled and tasted like Chicken McNuggets to me. And my cousin used some of the green tea on a tissue to clean her feet O_O

Me: So what shall we eat?
Cuz: Eh you decide leh.
Me: Thought you said you have something in mind!
Cuz: Actually I don't.(Laughs)
Me: about Toby's?
Cuz: Huh. Don't want. I don't want ang moh food.
Me: Hmmm then?
Cuz: How about there?(Points at Ichiban Boshi and some chinese restaurant beside it)
Me: Ok, which one?
Cuz: Eh you decide leh.

LOL took us a while to decide, and we were asking about our budgets since we both tried to draw money but couldn't be bothered to queue up. Had a good time chatting with her, and she was furious when I told her about it-which-I-shall-not-mention-any-more. "Are you crazy? If you told me beforehand I would've scolded you!"

Went Toby's for dessert, and the truffle cake was nice.haha And my cousin decided to go do her hair at Toni&Guy at katong area, so I walked her there since I had 3 hours to kill before meeting my friends for dinner. $80 a haircut. "You guys have it so easy. Just $10 haircuts!", my cousin exclaimed as we headed there.

So I rotted at Borders for 3 hours reading books, and I couldn't find Jason Hahn's Asking For Trouble. Oh well, maybe next time. His stories are just awesome, makes you want to read more.haha

At 5.50pm started heading towards sihua's place, but had to get her bubble tea 1st. Fortunately the lady serving was easier, except when she asked, "Do you want bubbles?" I said yes, but I wasn't too sure bubbles were pearls. Anyway I walked to her place, finding my way based on memory. Deren was already there by the time I reached, and we had to wait for "princess" to come down.

Cabbed to Clarke Quay, and had to walk all the way to Timbre. Fortunately I manage to lead us the right way, and sihua kept complaining about her aching legs.LOL We were earlier than Jeff, which caused sihua to swear under her breath.haha

What can I say about dinner? The food was great, the drinks were great(the apple juice was rather refreshing), and the band was quite ok from where we were. Jeff and Nic wrote a dedication for sihua which she did not hear(along with half of us) when the band read out her name. We took some photos by the Singapore River before deciding to go to sihua's roof to drink. So we went to the nearest 7-Eleven to grab some juices to mix with the vodka. We walked past some Indian club that I saw often when I went to club, and told my friend, "First time I'm not seeing police vans outside this place."

At sihua's place we drank a bit (I think I drank the most vodka) and played Truth Or Dare. Problem was, a few of us had one game at Timbre, so we kinda knew the juiciest secrets.haha the Dare was really really gay, and nic suffered(or enjoyed) the most. CR gave the most gay ideas. And I was already having a splitting headache at the starting of the games. We left at around 3am, which I was quite glad because I needed to sleep off the headache.haha

Well, today is jamming! can't wait!

And how I wish I'd get a second chance, just to meet you.

Somehow, I can't comprehend.

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