Friday, February 5, 2010

Never Give Up

Well, started the day with gym!and as usual the gym was packed with old people, but there were two teenage gals there. Not that they were good-looking or anything. And the usual macho guy was there. I noticed his thighs today and they are really not human! It's as thick, maybe thicker, than my head!!! Is he planning to stay single all the way? So I did my usual routine at the gym, training all my muscles, which have kinda weakened from the lack of exercise the past few weeks.

I always wondered why they put mirrors in gyms, and I realised it serves as a motivation. Imagine lifting some weights in front of the mirror, and your brain screams for you to just give up. But you look in the mirror, see your muscles straining with effort, and you're determined to finish the set and look good.haha

After gym I went to the Bedok stadium which was just outside the gym. Listening to my iPod, I felt like I could run 10km. How bad can it be? I thought. So I ran. And died faster than you can blink. I've got to definitely start running more often(though it seemed easier when running around camp).

rest of the day was rather uneventful, except for it-which-I-shall-not-mention-any-more and my guitar practice. I was so affected that I had problem playing properly today. My timings were off, and my fingers fumbled while strumming. At least I figured Demi Lovato's Get Back tabs. Ready to jam this Sunday!haha

My mom helped me to buy this month's Men's Health, and she was nagging about how "R-rated" the articles were(she was referring to those on sex tips and other sex stuff). I told her that I'm not a kid any more, or I would be reading Boys' Health or something. Anyway she said she'd rip out those pages to discard, to which I replied, "If you do that, half the value would've gone down the drain."

Tmr is lunch with cousin and dinner at Timbre with my friends!oh yeah =)

Gotta cut my hair. I totally do not look like I'm serving NS. I'll still keep my fringe though. And I didn't wax my hair the entire week(except for night's out).

I realised no matter how many new friends I make, none of them can be as close as the CR gang.

As for it-which-I-shall-not-mention-any-more, I guess I dug my own grave unknowingly. And considering this was the first time I got the courage to chat up with some gal, it was such a failure on my part. But Life's not complete without love, so I'll keep trying. Never give up, because real men don't give up =)

Problem is, I'll never stop blaming myself.

I'll never give up on you. Never.

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