Friday, June 11, 2010

Stalk & Stare

I've been wondering, comparing a guy who keeps trying to woo a girl and a stalker, what's the difference? Imagine a guy who really likes this girl, so he follows her around and give her gifts, help her when she needs help, be a listening ear when she needs one, despite her rejecting his advances. Now imagine a guy who follows her around because he is either mentally unstable or a wee bit too crazy about her. Are both guys considered stalkers? I think the line is drawn because of how the action for his feelings for the girl. Or mental state(if the stalker is some mentally unstable guy). See how thin the line defining a stalker? Maybe it's just how some people do things differently, but others see it in bad light. Who knows?

Duty time. Missed breakfast at cookhouse, but do not plan to spend at canteen either. Starve? Guess so. Since I've been too sick to really exercise much.

Yesterday was so boring I decided to walk around Northpoint. It was just as boring there that I ate 3 Subway cookies for no reason. And all I did at Northpoint was walk around for 30mins. Dull... If I had you, we could be out having dinner together, laughing about our day, walking around shops, maybe catching a  movie. Sigh...

Once the guys and I were discussing about what we wanted to be when we grow up. I'm not sure if I've talked about this but I'll just say again to make this post longer. Honestly I cannot recall what I wanted to be when I was a kid. Right now if I ask you the same question, what would you say? For me, I just want to be a guy married to the right one. Occupations are not so important to me as finding you.

Had really weird dreams recently. Last night was quite a horrible one. I dream I was watching a television commercial for some Malay programme about ghosts, and it flashed really gruesome pictures on the screen. How did my brain gather such images? A few nights back, I dream I was really angry to someone, and I shouted like crazy at him. I could feel all my rage in the dream, and I'm sure it can match that of the Hulk's. That's not the only dream of rage I've had. I wonder, do remnants of emotions affect what I dream? Random girls who I know, but not close to, appear in my dreams. Makes me realize why I never notice them before. Does emotion screw up dreams, or vice versa?

Flu bug, 4 weeks and counting. Happy Monthiversary!

@Kenny: I don't even use the DSLR! I model, not the photograher!  And ya! Australia ftw! We can have awesome pizza, go surfing, awesome pizza, go drive around town, awesome pizza, go Warner Bros Movie World, awesome pizza, enjoy the scenery, awesome pizza, crash Sihua's uni, awesome pizza, do crazy shit, awesome pizza, go clubbing, and awesome pizza! Btw I say here because office there cannot see your blog's chatbox. ROFL

It took two days
For me to figure out
This isn't working out
But I lost my way

~ Hey Monday - Arizona

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