Saturday, May 28, 2011

Chain Of Weird Dreams

Wow. Usually I don't sleep early on Friday nights because I'd be out with my friends, but last night I had no plans. Felt rather... different. And had a lot of weird dreams last night.

-I was standing outside my door, when two neighbors walked down the stairs and were carrying a dog each. It's does kind of white, furry little dogs. However, the dogs seem to want to bite me. One of the neighbor came close to me, and the dog bit my ear. It felt rather real for a dream. I ran downstairs and got into my car.
-I was in my secondary school, and I was walking up the stairs when I saw my previous principal cleaning some poster. He saw me and scolded me for not maintaining the poster, which I replied that I assumed someone would always clean it. Then I was down a corridor, trying to button up my shirt. Some guy, who I guess came to the school to check on it, saw me and started taking notes. I walked down to the basketball court. It was raining. My class stood one side, under the rain, because it was P.E. class. We could not play sports during wet weather, but we had to be out there to show that we were "at class". Then I saw a group of guys playing street soccer. I went back to the classroom and despite the classroom looking like my secondary school one, the students in it were people from my recently ended course. We were exchanging the snacks that we won during my friend's presentation. I took a bite out of the cookies and cream flavor which somehow sucked to the max in my dream.
-I was at this apartment, where I was living with who I think is my sister. I can't remember the person but I "felt" that it was my sister, even though she was some brown-haired girl. And, she got possessed. Then my friends and I called someone to exorcise her. He brought her to the room, while we sat in the living room. In that particular dream I was feeling rather afraid, begging people to let me be excused from this. Suddenly the room went pitch black, and I started screaming like a girl. I felt a hand grabbing me; I just kept screaming and praying that whatever it was, that it would pick someone else. Then the lights turned back on and the priest came out, saying all was fine. Then, we found out she was pregnant, with the priest's baby.
-I was at the shop of a petrol station, and some guy was possessed and came into the shop to kill the shop owner. That particular dream I cannot really recall.
-I remember watching a television in my dream about a (possessed?) girl running loose in a hospital. She knocked one of the nurses chasing her into a lift, where the nurse landed in a rather awkward position, with her head at the entrance of the lift. Then the lift door kept trying to close, constantly beating her skull until it bled. I did not see the skull, but the camera angle was such that you saw blood suddenly spreading over the floor.
-I was sitting in a classroom, and the professor from my course was picking students out to read out their answers. I remember one of them read until he started crying. He's from my course, but I shall not say his name here. The guy gave up reading his essay halfway and went back to his seat. Then the professor picked me to present my answer. One of the girl, also from my course, tried to answer the question but her answer was totally irrelevant and off. The professor got angry at two guys who were seating at the front of the class and constantly chatting. The professor said something about tolerating us the entire course and he could not stand it anymore. Then he showed an answer to one test question using some formula, which I suggested he teach it next time because not all students, like me, know that formula. Suddenly I'm delivering noodles in class and the laksa I delivered to a guy became some plain noodles.

I had a theory that dreams were based on what occurred to you during the day, yet these dreams defy my theory. I'm not sure why there was a lot of "possess" in my dreams, but I know that I did not exactly had a good night's rest because of that.

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