Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tiring Weekend

It's been quite a while since I last blogged, but I've been busy this whole weekend! Let's start from Friday!

I was woken up by a call from CR in the morning, who asked me to help perform for the gig on this coming Thursday. There was jamming that afternoon, so I quickly tried to figure out the bass tabs for as many songs as I could. It's the first time I'll ever perform, so I'm feeling a bit nervous.

Basically, yesterday and today was mostly about jamming too. But I slept so little the past few nights that today I'm feeling rather exhausted. Had driving yesterday, and it rained quite heavily. I don't like driving in the rain. It somewhat reduces your senses when you drive. Hope it does not rain during my test. Oh, and I manage to get driving lesson slots on dates nearer to my test date! Thank you whoever who gave up those slots!

Today was retrieving the box drum and some stuff from CR's uncle's place, where all his family's stuff are temporarily placed until they move into their new house. Darren gave us a ride, and we ate before going to the house. Took us quite some time to find the stuff, and it would have way longer if I did not point out to CR the box drum... Swimming in the afternoon (Kenny and Jeff gave in to the temptation and chose to swim instead of gym) and jamming after that.

Ordered my laptop today! Please, don't tell me that white is sold out and end up giving me pink. Please don't!

Oh, so sleepy.

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