Monday, April 25, 2011

Long Time No Blog

Since I've finally drawn finish the cover for my [CR] Productions! book, I thought I'd take some time to blog. This book will compile all the 100 comics I've drawn so far on computer, and will include profiles of all the characters! Hopefully this pdf file will make [CR] Productions! more popular!

School starts today! Huge bummer. Plus, SMU has not contacted me about my laptop. Looks like I'm going to survive on just pen and paper. I've not been writing stuff for so long, I think my handwriting has gone haywire. Ah well...

I've been trying to learn this program called MikuMikuDance, which is used to create 3D animations  like the ones from Hatsune Miku! You can even make K-On! animation! Really cool stuff. Makes me kind of regret taking accountancy in university...

"Nyan Cat" is so addictive! Damn...

Oh, this is kind of late, but last Wednesday we performed at Jokhie's brother's girlfriend's 21st birthday. Technically it's my ex-band; I was back-up bassist. The day kinda went the wrong way, with wrong date, wrong place,etc. Sure, we were kind of frustrated but seeing Jokhie's brother look so stressed over the preparations and Jokhie working so hard to finish the video we decided to let it pass. I call it the "puppy eyes" effect. You want to be so mad at something or someone, but seeing the situation they're in, you just feel sorry for them.LOL

Downloaded the whole Amazing Spider-man and X-men comics! Finally! 400+ issues to read!

I was reading some material related to my SMU special term and I realized that the person who wrote it was really good. Every sentence inside was useful information. It's like the writer did not waste time on extra details; only shooting all the knowledge to you. Rather impressive, yet intimidating. Am I to write essays as amazing as this? To do so I would need good writing skills, wide vocabulary and of course a lot of general knowledge. SHIT!

Counting down!

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