Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Triangle And Other Stuff

Kids, this is the story of my first triangle. In the year 2011, your dad found himself in a love triangle for the first time in his life. Okay, maybe "love" wasn't the right word. It was more of "like". Anyway, your dad met this girl in a community service project called iConserve, and we shall call her Rachel.

Now, your dad is not the kind of guy who disrupt a relationship in the making, but at that point of time Rachel said that she and a guy called Gordon were not together. So I guessed it was alright to make a move. I never saw it coming, or maybe I did but chose to ignore it, but then came the triangle.

She said that she didn't really feel anything for the guy, so I thought it was okay. However, during the entire time she was messaging both me and him, although that does not actually bother me. People can choose who they want to talk to. Then came the 5-day iConserve camp, where your dad did his best to show his worth. And it seems that I was doing quite well, but some gossip totally shot down all most of my chances.

In that whole time, I got to learn what it feels like to be competing for a girl, I had people talk bad about me behind my back, I felt what it was like to get your... "stuff" stirred... "stuff". I said "stuff". It has been a long time since I've ever try to get a girl, and despite the failure, it was a fun journey. Kids, I've a lesson for you: Don't give up trying, and be a winner of your own defeat. Actually, that counts as two lessons. But anyway...

So at the end of the day Rachel chooses Gordon, and your dad is free to move on with his life. But I didn't get depressed or lost from all that, because that would simply be a waste of time. And I'm the kind who hates people or hold grudges over such trivial matters. Your dad decided to just continue with his life, and spend the newly free time on his friends and other things like music and studies.

And that was when I met your mother.


Haha cool right? I told myself I wanted to write down this entire story, but when I finally sat down to start on it, I realized that I was not sure what to type about, or how I would go about doing it. And I felt that I did not need to explain so much, as long as all the details were still with me. I'd just put the general details (*salutes*"General Details") in and leave the rest in my memory!

Went for haircut yesterday, and I totally regret asking the person to cut away the back of my hair. Now girls will think I look like a girl even more! :(

Oh and I edited this photo I took of my Astonishing X-men line-up, and I'm totally loving it! Bet you can't really tell that those are all actually toys!haha

PS. The part where "that was when I met your mother" is just for fun. No need to get excited, people.

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