Monday, August 29, 2011

Sleepy Boy

Biz Law is so hard! Am I really cut out to be studying in university? It's time to really read those notes properly. But the professor keeps rushing through his stuff due to time constraint. Today is the second time he did that.

Went to meet her for lunch and studied until it was time for my LTB meeting! We went to do up our posters, and as much as I tried, I somehow felt super tired during the discussion! But I eventually felt more energized(could be due to my Coke?) and stopped feeling sleepy!

Now studying in the school library, and shall study until she's done with CCA! This time I'm ready for 3 hours of waiting! Long-sleeved T-shirt and jeans, my laptop, music... I'm ready!

Managed to conenct my iPod Touch to the school internet! Awesome! That means I can be surfing Facebook during my AS class! :D

I had a load of bad CCA news yesterday. First was the Sound Foundry audition. I applied for the 7pm slot, because I had the DJ 101 workshop from 7.30pm to 9.30pm on Wednesday, but they put me at 7.40pm. So I informed them of my situation, and they decided to put me at the 9.40pm slot. That is too late for me, so I decided to tell them forget it.

The second thing is the DJ workshop itself. I received a mail from someone attending the Wednesday slot too, saying that he/she and 3 other friends want to join the same day slot, and apaprently in our class of 4, there's 3 of them plus me. So he/she requested if I can change to another day's slot, so that their last friend can join. I remember seeing the timing for those other slots, and either they were clashing with my school schedule or is on Saturdays. I don't plan to go for CCA on Saturdays. So I decided to turn him/her down. Yet, I feel like a bastard for doing that. Am I in the wrong?

You snooze,
you lose.

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