Monday, August 1, 2011


I didn't know how much people's impression of you can affect those around you. And it's worse when the impression they have is not only negative, but false(from my perspective). I'm not saying that they are liars, because I doubt people would bother making up nonsense for fun. Their impression of me must have stemmed from something I did, that they may have looked at in a wrong/different perspective, and it snowballed into a rather inaccurate bad impression. I know I'm not a perfect person; I have my flaws. But what I hear doesn't seem to match my character, honestly. Even I am pretty shocked myself.

I'm not mad at people for getting such impression of me, because everyone's entitled to their own opinions and judgement. If anything, I simply want to ask and know what I did that led them to such an impression of me. That way, I can correct myself and be a better person. Because that's what I've been trying to do all these years: to be a better person.

I've never been a very good and innocent kid. I had have my flaws. Things like selfishness, tantrum, greed, disrespect... I shamefully admit that I had all that when I was younger. I'm not sure why I didn't know that such characteristics were bad and wrong, but I learnt about them the hard way and have since then tried to change myself for the better. In a way, when I look back at my young self, I see a spoiled brat that I'd definitely dislike to be around with. But if I could, I'd want to teach him the right values in life.

To end this post off, I want to say that I'm glad we got to talk! I hope you're less confused, because I know I'm definitely less confused myself! Hope you feel a bit better now! :)

On a random note, I hate the smell of nail polish remover! Shall never let people paint my nails again!haha
"You're like kryptonite,
just that instead of killing me,
you do the opposite."

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