Sunday, August 14, 2011

And So It Begins..., that is. Tomorrow is the start of my first year in university! From year 0 to a year 1 student! I guess I'm too used to the crammed courses in special term, so I'm expecting the courses to shift into full throttle within the first week. I hope I get a shock and realize that mods in the usual term is at a slower pace!

A lot of my friends are already mugging, but I guess they've got the SMUgger thing in them. Either that or kiasu-ism. I heard that my batch of students overbid on the mods, which kind of indicates that for my batch, there are a lot of really hardcore muggers. The bell curve is now the least of my worries; the biggest problem is being surrounded by crazy geeks!

I also need to mentally prepare myself for a crowded school. During my special term, the school was relatively empty and peaceful, but from what I've been hearing, all hell breaks loose during the school terms. The library will no longer be the best place to study :(

Totally not prepared for tomorrow's lesson, but at least I'll see a familiar face there! :)

Caught up with some anime I've been watching but halted due to camps and friends. Sket Dance is as random and funny as usual, and Usagi Drop is one that I want to see to the end. I'm waiting for Persona 4 anime to come out!

Dragon Age 2 just keeps getting better! Unfortunately, I get really pissed when the big spiders fall down from the ceiling. They always scare me. Disgusting freaks. And what's worse is the big boss spider drops down on my team... yucks.

I tried The Witcher, and I honestly do not like the combat. All I need is to left-click my mouse to kill the enemy. Maybe it is because the game is quite old, and they grew wiser for Witcher 2. But I don't plan to really play that game.

STGCC is this weekend! I can't wait!!!

I wonder what CCA I should join. I feel like joining photography, or rock climbing, or fencing, or the band one. Maybe the lifeguard one. Damn! What should I choose?!

Went to download a lot of new clubbing songs, and nearly changed my entire blog design. Unfortunately, the picture I wanted to use as background was too big in terms of size, so I decided to forget about it. But I added the songs to my Mixpod on the blog!

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