Monday, March 21, 2011

Back From Bangkok!

Back from Bangkok! Actually we touched down last night, but only now am I free to sit down and blog. Gosh! Ages since I blogged! Feeling quite happy right now because there may be hope for the band after all! Anyway, I shall recount the whole trip!

Day 1
Our trip starts with me waking up very early in the morning... like 4am? I was so un-awake I skipped breakfast. Fortunately my mom offered to drop me at the airport so it was not so bad. I was putting on my contact lens when I received an SMS from Kenny asking if we are awake and on our way. Probably scared we overslept? XD Anyway I got a free ride to the airport. CR called me while I was still on the way, at exactly 5am(our meet-up timing) asking where I was.

Feels so... excluded when the terminal is totally not connected to Changi Airport. It's like Singapore Airlines does not want to be shown connected to Budget Airlines. And I actually can see why. When I stepped into the terminal, I could really see why it was "budget". There were only two eateries; McDonalds and some small food shop. I was not really surprised that McDonalds planted an outlet there; I'd be more surprised if they did not. Kenny and CR were there already. Jeff apparently left something at home and had to return home halfway to get it. We decided to grab a bite first before the flight. And there were only two queue for the tickets in the big, empty terminal. The people in front of us were just amazing. One whole big group, which made us wait for nearly half and hour before it was our turn. Plus, we saw a couple that looked like some commandos.

The inside of the terminal is not exactly fantastic either. I was only impressed with the sofas in front of the television having speakers installed on the sides of them. Apart from that, nothing much. The boarding of the plane is the best. You know how the terminal is connected to the plane by some... what do you call that? Some passageway. Budget Airlines uses stairs. Means we have to walk out of the terminal and up the steps into the plane. The best part was that it was raining. So they provided umbrellas for us to shelter ourselves to the plane. Rather amazing, no? The plane is rather small, being more cramped than JetStar if I recall correctly. CR and I spent the whole flight talking cock while Kenny and Jeff were catching up with sleep. I did not want to sleep because I feared I would feel groggy when we reach, which would suck because once we checked into the hotel we would be shopping right away. CR and I bought a can of Coke just for the sake of spending money.

The airport was more or less like how I remember it to be the last time I was in Thailand. We went to grab a bite before taking the train to the hotel. I bought Dunkin' Donuts! Yummy! Fortunately the train had seats(because it was at the end of the line), us carrying our huge bags. The ride was rather long, with us having to change trains a couple of times. The turnstiles look a lot like Singapore's! And the people there wait for trains in a very orderly manner. Singaporeans would simply block the entrance of trains, only thinking for themselves and wanting to squeeze in. The people in Thailand queue up to enter the train. I repeat: queue-fucking-up. Singaporeans should be damn ashamed of themselves. Really. However, Thailand people leave the train kind of like Singaporeans. I swear I felt like I was washed out of the cabin rather than walking out by the waves of passengers alighting. And the way the announcement says "Sala Daeng Station" is rather gay. It sounds more like "Sala There~".

Did I mention that it was bloody cold?! I packed clothes, picturing a sunny Thailand where T-shirts and berms were ideal. But no! Fortunately I was wearing jeans and my jacket over my shirt, so I was relatively warm! The weather totally caught us unprepared!

The hotel we stayed in was Ascott. And it looked rather classy! Much more impressive than Penang. Only thing I did not like was that it was in the middle of the business district. It's like planting a hotel in the middle of Raffles Place. While waiting for Jeff to get the cards to our apartment, they served us some green drink that was super sweet. I think I got diabetes just from drinking it. The apartment was really nice! CR and I somehow picked the master bedroom unknowingly, so yeah. We put down our stuff, took some cash, and headed out!

We had lunch first at this place that sold all kinds of food. I ate Japanese curry! Yum yum! We then had dessert at Swensens.The awesome thing is that most of the stuff in Bangkok is cheaper, so the ice-cream was really cheap. Plus, the Swensens in Bangkok only sold desserts. The guys tried some Burnout game in the arcade, thinking that it could play multiplayer, but they were wrong! Fortunately it was super cheap! There were a lot of cheap stuff, and so began our shopping! After shopping we wanted to kill time before going for dinner, so we went bowling.

Dinner was at some seafood restaurant which was really good! For the first time in my life I see why crab is so nice to eat! The food there was really nice, and we ate till we were close to puking. That evening we spent it figuring out where all our money went. It was rather messy, and we decided to take down whatever we purchased the rest of the trip. Also, I persuaded the guys to buy some hair dye to dye our hair, but we failed. Our hair had to change. I think it's because it was meant for one person, but we shared among three of us. Because we were exhausted, we did not play any drinking games or anything. We watched some television and went to sleep!


Shit. This is tedious! I'll write day 2 tomorrow or something! If I try to write it all tonight, I'll just anyhow write!

I heard that the creator of Pokemon was one of the casualties of the Tsunami :(

Love Persona 3 Portable!

Tell me all that you've thrown away
Find out games you don't wanna play
You are the only one that needs to know

~All-American Rejects - Dirty Little Secrets

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