Thursday, August 19, 2010

REmake Or UNmake?

I read that critics rated Spider-man 2 the best Spidey flick out of the trilogy. They said that Spider-man 3 focused too much on the story build-up, while Spider-man 2 found balance between action and it's awesome plot. And after watching Spider-man 2 during duty, I truly enjoyed the masterpiece of a movie it was. Then I felt quite sad for the trilogy that would be a thing of the past once the new Spider-man movie comes out to reboot the franchise. It seems only yesterday that I saw the first Spider-man movie on the big screen. And I remember it was highly anticipated, but never disappointed us. The cast will totally change, so will the storyline. It would retell the story of Peter Parker in high school, no relations to the trilogy. Imagine, not even 5 years since Spider-man 3 hit the big screens, and they are already remaking Spidey films. Looks like the movie industry is running out of superheroes to use that they go back to Spidey. Won't that make Sam Raimi's efforts for this trilogy kind of a waste? If a reboot of Spider-man on the big screen came 10 years down the road is not too bad. Look at Batman. Batman Begins came out only after how long Batman & Robin showed in theatres. Although, I suppose ANY batman new movie would be an improvement to that movie, as long as the nipples on suits do not return. I wish Sony did not agree to do a reboot of Spidey films... a Spider-man 4 by Sam Raimi would be okay. After 3 movies, you would link Peter Parker to Tobey Maguire, and Mary Jane to Emma Watson. So to suddenly have a new Peter Parker ( I forgot his name, I did mention him in a previous post though) is just... Weird. Let us appreciate this trilogy for some time please...

It really irks me that all the regulars in camp like to panick at last minute, then throwing their problems onto our shoulders. Worst part? They run away, going "on course". Well, fuck your course you useless load of crap. I'll make sure all the crap you try to avoid will land back to you. Think I'm scared? I'm a NSF, what's the worst that could happen? You, on the other hand, will be here for a long time, so have fun. Want to play it that way? Bring it, bitch.

Cannot wait for my first Saturday that is free of any army-related stuff! It's been months since I had a whole, proper weekend! Well, don't count the times I took MC on NDP rehearsals. Finally! And it's going to be a fun day with swimming and hanging out with the gang! And a goddamn BBQ! Hope Deren can make it, because it's for his birthday after all :)

Somehow, my DVD just disappeared at duty. WTH?

I believe there's a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride. Even though sometimes we have to be steady and give up the thing we want most, even our dreams.

~ Spider-man 2 (2004)

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