Monday, October 3, 2011


Well, today proved to be interesting. I'd talk about my weekend, but I didn't do much except relax. One thing to mention, though, is that yesterday morning CR and Kenny dropped by my place to borrow my keyboard, when I was still asleep! When CR said morning, I though it'd be like, 10am-11am? He came so early, and I admit, I was feeling kinda cranky to be woken up like that. Ah well...

And as I predicted yesterday, I fell sick today. Unfortunately, my sickness is worse than what I foresaw. Means I had to skip my project meeting. Which makes me feel like an ass. Anyway, on the way to the doctor, some joker hit the back of my family's car, and I had to snap photos with my lousy Nokia phone. Heh. The camera isn't too bad, actually. But it wasn't anything serious.

Ate McDonald's after consulting the doctor. LOL

There's this weird neighbor, who'll move the dustbin at my estate to his parked car just so he can smoke there. Plus, he just used a dustbin to "reserve" the parking lot as he drove off. What a loony. I'm damn tempted to go tape the dustbin to his car, just for fun.haha

I realize how much of what Ted said in S01E01 of How I Met Your Mother actually hits home to me.

"You know what? I’m done being single. I’m not good at it. Look, obviously you can’t tell a woman you just met that you love her. I’ll tell you something though. Say if a woman -- not you -- just some hypothetical woman, were to bear with me through all this, I think I’d make a damn good husband, cause that’s the stuff I’d be good at, stuff like making her laugh, being a good father, and walking her 5 hypothetical dogs and being a good kisser…"

I mean, I meet this amazing girl, and I don't know why, but I just feel like I like her, a lot. I guess I did a Mosby on her...

Nearly went to dye my hair when I went to cut it just now. I walked in, and just so happens a girl went in before me. The hairdresser asked, "Are you together with her?" Heh. I wish.

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