Sunday, October 30, 2011

Going Cuckoo

Wow. A 5-min video can take so long to do! But, I'm satisfied with my work, and hopefully the class will like it during the presentation!

Had a weird dream of a girl. I dreamed that I held hands with her as we walked around one of the SMU buildings to find our classroom. WTH.

My...fear... is getting worse. It can just hit me at random moments, and the feeling sucks. Maybe I should consult a psychiatrist...

Tried this new pizza place with Danial today! The pizza is rather filling, and they serve it kinda like Subway. Cool!

I decided to scrap my idea of having my birthday on a yacht. I realize that it's damn bad to ask my parents to sponsor my rental, considering how hard my dad is trying to make sure we get savings each month. Plus, I'm asking him to buy me a new phone. Which costs money too. Not to forget the Bangkok trip. And my monthly allowance. Also, the recent expenditure on my suit. I don't feel like egging him about the phone anymore. I feel really, really bad. Trying to find jobs to earn some money for my own, to at least help a bit.

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