Sunday, January 23, 2011

Me Can't Handle Club

Well, this post is to make up for Friday night, since I had duty yesterday. Friday night was Butter Factory! And even though that was the last place I ever clubbed before the long break from clubbing, I still love the place! When I saw the jugs that the guys bought, I felt a bit nauseous though, recalling what happened the last time we ordered 4 jugs :/ While standing outside, I remembered what I did not like about the girls at that club: they smoke. You see all the hot-looking girls waiting to go in, and before you rate a 9/10 for them you see a cigarette between their fingers and smoke coming out of their mouth, and their rating got slashed by half. Who knew how their teeth and lungs looked like? Also, I heard that Friday night crowd usually consisted of office people, who, after a long week, came to chillax.

You step into the club, and it's like you step into another world. The room is dark, with several lights littered all around the room. You see guys dressed up to pick up some ladies tonight, their eyes already picking their preys. Working ladies walking in, their make-up shedding a few years off their face, trying to relive their young times again. Men in their office clothes buying a beer or two to relax after a long week of hell at work(or home). Teenage guys sauntering in like they own the place, only looking like losers. Teenage girls, with their short skirts and thick eyelashes, wondering how many guys to tease tonight. Friends gathering at tables to celebrate or just meet up, huge bottles on the table to entertain their entire night. The DJ plays some awesome R'n'B music, the heavy bass thumping the ground and your body.

I must say, I really loved the music. And I saw the guys and girls dancing on the dancefloor, and I realised how much I had been missing out the past one year.

Fyi, The Last Exorcism sucks. It sucks in every prospect. The storyline is crap, the possessed girl is boring, the ending is plain WTF, and the "camera POV" like REC or Paranormal Activity is a failure. Till now, I'm not sure who screwed that girl.

Book in later. Bummer. Again.

Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday 

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