Monday, December 27, 2010

X'mas BBQ!

The BBQ yesterday was awesome!

Jeff dropped by my place to put down the chicken wings in the afternoon before we headed down to CR's place. We met up with Kenny and got all the other food, like bacon, satays, beef patties,etc. After that Jeff and Kenny went to cut their hair at Joemil's. I was contemplating whether to cut, but there was not really much for me to cut. I mean, I probably needed to trim my sideburns. And the place was so cold! The whole time we were looking at the sky, hoping that the dark clouds would go away. Kenny said we walked past Dawn at Parkway Parade, but I did not notice.

At my place we met CR and Jokhie, and started swimming! The sky looked really bad, like a downpour would occur any minute. Jokhie borrowed some swim wear to join the fun! The rest came one after another the rest of the evening. We started the BBQ at around 5pm, but tried not to cook too much, waiting for the rest to come before we end up finishing the food. We had loads of fun that night, and there was the gift exchange! We played charades after that, and by then it was around 10pm. After majority have left, the remainder of us went to swim in the really cold pool at near midnight. The water was really cold! I was shivering like crazy! We ordered McDonalds' and played poker until 2am. My ass was so cold from my soaked clothes and chilly wind that I thought my ass would wrinkle.

Sian. Book in :(

What's that weird rash on my skin? o.O


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