Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Castle Age

Today met CR, Jeff and Kenny for dinner at Swensens and lan. Unfortunate for Sihua to be so exhausted from work. Don't give up Sihua! Think of all the Zara nonsense you can buy in future! XD

The main point of this post is for me to talk about my Castle Age! I only started last week and I'm already at level 59! And finally a guild has accepted me in! Plus, my army is growing! Now I can send 6 generals to battle! Awesome! :D To think I was against Facebook games. Actually I tricked myself. I thought this was iPod Touch game, because it's ratings in the Apple store was quite good. Only after I started did I realize it was a Facebook game. But since I've started, might as well carry on! Helps to kill time in army too!

Cannot wait for the trip!

Christmas celebration, guys?

I just remembered. The music videos for the old Linkin Park songs are quite cool!

So give me reason to prove me wrong, to wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes across this new divide

~ Linkin Park - New Divide

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