Thursday, July 7, 2011

Describing CR's New House In One Word

Heartland. That is possibly the best word I can think of to describe his new house. Turns out I'm one of the first few friends to see his new house, and despite Kenny warning me that it was messy, it wasn't so bad. I expected boxes to be laying all over the place, along with dust. I was totally wrong. Was quite okay.LOL The house was pretty nice, but the living room was turned into a kitchen, while the big kitchen will be given to CR's uncle to use as a room. So when I first when in, I was staring at two rooms with those typical kitchen cupboards and sink, which kind of puzzled me. And despite the initial plan for the jamming room and CR's room to be divided by a sliding door, now the jamming room and living room/kitchen is the one divided by a sliding door. The layout is rather... unique, but in a good way. And CR's bedroom is smaller than his previous one. The view from his room is not fantastic, but that's not much of a complaint.

But what I liked was more of the neighborhood, rather than his house. As I mentioned, the area gives a very "heartland" feeling. When CR and I walked across the street to grab dinner, I realized how relaxing it is to stroll around. It's rather windy and cooling, there's no heavy traffic or rowdy teens, just people walking their dogs and old people taking their strolls, small kids happily rollerblading or skateboarding. There's a Shop N Save nearby, with a few other shops and a coffee shop. The prawn mee there is not bad, but it's not filling enough, so CR and I went to the bakery to buy more food. I notice quite a few cats around. This, and the fact that there are a lot of people walking their dogs, made me want to keep off the grass. haha

CR and I(mostly him actually) used my new keyboard to figure out the Hey Monday songs. I did some homework first though. And he mentioned some stuff that I did not realized for all the songs, like how the guitars are played, and keyboard parts that takes a while to be heard. Really lucky that he's in the band, to point out all these music stuff. And figure out keyboard. And point out what to improve for the instruments. MVP - Most Valued Percussionist. LOL

Having lesson now, better start paying attention.

Once I reach home, TF2 and sleep early. Tomorrow is going to be a long day!

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