Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Brazilian Meat

Met up with my army friends yesterday! We went to this Brazilian restaurant at Clarke Quay! It's great to meet up with them, even though I've only ORD-ed 2 weeks ago. The meat at the restaurant was really nice! There was beef, lamb, chicken, fish, pork... the meat kept coming and coming! It felt like a race between the food and me. You see, this buffet is special. Instead of us going to take food, the people would bring the huge chunk of meat and slice pieces for us onto our plates. Really something different! Although when they cut the meat with that huge knife it was quite scary to see it moving back and forth in front of you, like it would stab you any moment. Quality and definitely quantity is good there! There was these two Brazilian dancers too, and a singer. The dancers got some of us to dance with them, which was hilarious! Unfortunately, the whole night was ruined when the operators got called back to camp. Not sure if it was a real emergency, or simply practice, but the evening ended rather early. Huge bummer. All that was left was us ORD-ed sergeants, and we went to Plaza Singapura to get some bubble tea at Gong Cha (not sure how it's spelled).

I do not really see what is so appealing of bubble tea. The pearls are so chewy and annoying, and tea can be bought at supermarkets or 7-11 stores right? Unless you buy those milk tea or coffee or whatever, which can actually be bought at 7-11 too. Unless people drink it for the sugar... oh well. I'll probably never understand it!

Nodame Cantabile is a really nice anime! I'm still watching it, but it really inspires me to pick up some musical instrument. I want to learn piano and maybe even violin! Sure, it take years, and I know that people start from young, but better late than never! Who knew that symphonies are so soothing and nice to hear? I shall start flooding symphonies into my iPod Touch! LOL

Take a picture,
Capture the moment,
Make it last forever.

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