Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I've never scolded the trainees as bad as tonight. I was really damn pissed off, but hopefully I didn't go overboard. I had to get the message across to them. Shu Rong still seems angry that I punished him. I'll settle it tomorrow. And it's gonna be a hot night for me, because I lent my fan to the trainees. They would probably die tonight without a fan, so I try to ease their suffering.

They may see me in a bad way now, but at least I tried.

No reply. So will this be another "Butter incident"?

God must be taking my life as a joke.

Warm the heart.
Make me feel not alone.

Bunk-ed Out!

Today we specialists finally moved bunk! It was tedious, with us having to move our huge lockers too! Ok the lockers were our own decision but still! The previous specs left the bunk in a pathetic state, and we had a lot of cleaning to do. But it was definitely worth it! Now the bunk is so nice and homely and nice to sleep :)

My insect bites will be the death of me. Pfffft.

Didn't study much this week. Did a bit, but was exhausted X_X

You rock my world.
Big time.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This Bites!

I've been raped by sandflies and mosquitoes. They bit me almost everywhere! Even when I wrapped my face twice with the so-called mosquito net. The damn insects managed to bite my lip, my nose, my forehead and cheek! And the buzzing sound kept coming at me, keeping me awake all the way. They somehow were able to bite my legs and arms too, even my fingers. In fact, my left elbow has a cluster of bites, until they sort of join together. It looked horrible. In the end I waited fr sunrise to go and sleep under the hot sun.

The weather is so hot! Plus I'm wearing double-layer. Finally it poured in the evening, ending the stupid outfield early! How fortunate!

Can't wait for the long weekend! Probably my last free Saturday before NDP rehearsals. Haha

Its going down tonight.
The ladies looking right
Dressed up with fancy shoes
Tight jeans and sweet perfume

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Studio was fun!!! For once we could really jam properly, and Lisa had a microphone to use! Long Shot was GREAT! Can't wait to go there again! My finger started to hurt at the end. Jeff upload the pictures and videos asap please!!! Shall learn The Great Escape by We Are Scientist so that we can play it together!

Need new guitar strap. Current one looks like will give way soon.

So many things to buy at Topshop! I'll go there as soon as my pay comes, which is around 2 weeks time! :)

Booking in. I do not feel like I even had a weekend this week :(

Really really super duper very tired.

Thank God for girls. They are like His masterpieces!!! Haha

Guys remember that we're clubbing this Friday! Good Friday=Good Night!

I'm waist-deep in my troubles.


If you're reading this post for the wrong reason after seeing the title you can stop reading.

Ok I've got to meet the rest 3.45 later so I'll do a quick post! Went to gym this morning with Jeff and Kenny, and they noticed my eye bags. Glad you guys now realise how tired I am! Great to gym. And I got to run more. Serious.

So little time left. After jamming at studio it's dinner then book-in :(

Where did I go wrong?
I lost a friend.

You keep me waiting at your doorstep.
When will you finally let me in?

Exzauhting Sleep

Last night was damn cold!!! I had to sleep outside on the couch... And now I'm tired :S
And Jeff wants to gym at 11am T_T Not sure if I'll be able to gym efficiently. That's if I can even reach there on time... Maybe I'll swim back home. Got to keep fit to wear my new clothes! Love them ttm!haha

You don't tell, you ask.

Dare 2 Dream

Saturday, March 27, 2010

To Jam Or Not To Jam

Tomorrow CR booked studio to jam. At from 4pm to 6pm. As much as I'd like to go, considering we have nearly full strength, I got less than 12hours of free time this weekend. Putting the jamming at such a time would make me unable to do other stuff. Still can ask me go 4pm to 5pm only. C'mon. Surely will dilly-dally until 4.30pm before we start. I'll be tire tomorrow, and I want to eat dinner with my family. Looks like you guys can go play without a bass.

Maybe we all should've discussed together first instead of planning ahead and expecting me to adjust my limited, short schedule :S

I like CR's idea about jamming as no.1 priority in life in future. Exact same thought as me! I plan to depend on the band for income stability, go on tours and stuff! But that means forgetting about studying anymore, which I'm not exactly willing to do after going so far.

Today's team commander is farked up. He came into camp late, and still can ask us to drive the vehicle to his building, which is just across the street. And his face gives me the impression that all his features are pulled to the center of his face. LOL

Didn't study today. Nothing was going in:(

TV at duty is down!! Noooo wanted to watch TMNT! Never mind, there's always HIMYM on my PSP :3

Liar Game is great! As in the show! Never read the comics before. The games they play are really awesome, and how they cheat each other is really surprising. Thumbs up for the show!!!

I'm looking for this particular kind of jacket but I know nothing except how it looks like. Can anyone help me? :(

You're the 8th wonder of the world.


I love looking through DeviantArt! The people take really really beautiful shots! Makes me want to get a camera to start snapping such wonderful shots. Wonder how they make the photos look like that though. If anyone want a model, I'd be more than willing to volunteer! To be in such shots would be nice!!!

This guy did an impromptu shot because he liked the door. Love his shoes :D

 Take me away,
 To a place of no return.

 It's a bleak world out there.

Lovely legs!!! She looks cool, and the dog there only makea thus picture even better!haha

 We are nobody
 But who we choose to be.

Real heroes are not born,
They step up in time of need.
Real heroes do not wear costumes to look cool.
Just by doing their job, they are cooler than Superman.
It's ordinary people like these that are more amazing than comic book heroes.

PS. Love this fireman shot. Looks damn cool.

Pika Pika!

Car Watch

Was talking with CR online about university and stuff yesterday when we started talking about duty. And he told me he had to go watch over this particular car because it kept getting vandalised. Which was damn comical in my mind!!! Kept laughing when I picture it in my head. And he's right that it is redundant since the camp announced that they were going to watch over the car. The guy won't be stupid enough to do it now...

Shall sleep the entire duty! And study accounting!!!! As difficult as it seems, I seem to love it! LOL

Emo isn't dark.
It's just deep.


I know this is rather early, but I have to share what just happened!haha

Thing is, at night the cockraoches in the camp toilet would come out. But there's something wrong with them. Maybe they're all old. Maybe they all are dying of starvation. Because they moved so slow, even if we humans go and use th toilet. An active cockroach would scuttle as fast as it can to escape us, but not these fellows.

Anyway, I was just brushing teeth when I felt a tiny feeling of something poking my skin. It's not painful, but you can tell that something is biting. I looked down and saw a cockroach!!! I moved my feet away in shock and all it did was crawl away. Just hope it's not one of those genetically modified super-cockroaches. Spider-man pulled it off, but I doubt I can with my choice of creature. LOL

Listening to 98.7FM while sleeping is awesome!!! Shall do it more!

Getting ready for duty duty duty. While the guys have buffet and fun :( Too bad I'll be in this scenario for a long time, until NDP is over. The price to pay for patriotism I guess?HAHA I'm just another lil' green army

Be my motivation,
Be my lover,
Be the highlight of my life.

Friday, March 26, 2010

We'll Be A Dream

Do you see a naked girl,
Or a bared soul?
It's all about perspective baby.

All alone in bunk, probably the entire camp too. Nah just kidding. Got some people in camp, don't know why they staying around.

Field camp was fun. Not because I got to sleep whole day, but rather I got to interact with the trainees. Had our funny moments, despite their tough time! But you guys gotta move faster. Or I'll F you when you come my firing unit LOL

And sleeping on safari bed is so uncomfortable! My back hurts, and the weather sucks. Makes me appreciate the bed in my bunk!

I love my new stuff! Vans shoes is (Y)!

Shall sleep with radio on tonight! Try new things in life!

Ris Low joining 98.7FM and they are already suan-ing her on air. Quite pitiful.haha!


When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be a dream

Shopping Makes Smiles :)

Well, everyone booking out while I'm stuck till Sunday. What to do? Shop!!!!

Had subway with Joel first at Northpoint. Thanks for the company man! Went shopping alone after that. Spent $200++ within 45mins! It'd take half the time if I didn't try out so many stuff. First I bought 2 Levi's slim jeans! Finally got slim jeans! Woots! Was on offer, so I grabbed 2. Love them!

Then went to Punk Star! Bought 4 shirts there, and got membership! Finally got the shirts I always wanted! :D Too bad they didn't have the size I wanted for an all-black one, but I'll be back. It's a must-have!!! Can't wait to wear it out! Think I'll wear it to clubbing! Woots!

Finally went to buy white shoes. I know white is suicidal, but I needed smart-looking shoes and I planned on getting a white one. And it's VANS. Bought a shirt/hoodie from there too! I wasn't sure if it was for guys, because all the pictures had female models! The lady said it was unisex. Phew! Think it'll go well with my burms. Can't wait to mix-and-match!!! They gave some free wallet thing, but it looks old and for girls. Shall put it in some corner of my house. LOL

iModels finally replied! My CD is ready! Now must find a day to collect it.

And duty month ends this coming thursday! Means this weekend is a long 3-day one!!! Cheers!

Ice-skating, movie, dinner, clubbing. Sounds good?

Your happiness is for nobody to unveil except yourself.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Well, I didn't get much sleep today, but at least I got to sleep in the afternoon! The rain only made the outdoors nicer to sleep!

Outfield is slack! Now I only fear that mosquitoes will feed on me. I'm just enjoying the view of the night sky right now, my thoughts as distant as the beautiful stars twinkling from afar.

Feel like going to a club this friday, then book in for duty.

Mixed feelings.

Let's just lay down together,
You and I.
Forget all our troubles,
And stare at the sky.

A for Accounting, R for Rise&Shine!

Pretty sure only Ernest know who she is.LOL

OMG I'm only at the start of the accounting book and I'm dying already! Well, I did learn about limited and unlimited liability thanks to sihua, and about proprietorship, partnership plus corporations. All words. I want to see some numbers start rolling!haha

It's 4am now, and I've not slept yet. Going to get some sleep before going outfield at noon. Sleep-deprived. Pfft.

I wish I could have something to look forward to during book out. I want to be focusing on booking out each week to see my girl, spend time with her, and remember the joys of life. Too bad the equation lacks the girl.LOL

I heard a song on radio just now by We The Kings, and it was awesome! But I forgot the name...98.7FM plays great songs at midnight, though I hate the fact that Justin Bieber songs keep playing. Stupid kid. Pffft.

I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. Honest!

Good morning, world. Good night, me.

Do you remember the nights,
We'd stay up just laughing.
Smiling for hours,
At anything?

I'll never be the same
if we ever meet again

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

F for Frustrated

The shitload just keeps getting bigger. Why oh FUCKING why?

even if it's an excruciating one,
Would be a blessing in disguise.

PS. I just wanted to say that. Don't worry, a real man will never choose death as an escape. If I were to go down, it'll be as a man, not a pussy XD

Halfway Seems Like Only The Beginning

Ok. I'm on duty, I'm also doing COS duty because the COS isn't around, I'm running BQ errands and preparing the trainees' Pre-Summex when I'm not in-charge. I feel like a damn dog.

So tired, and yet to continue my studies. Lunch was disappointing.

Can someone pass me the remote?
I want to fast forward my life a little.



Feel like having KFC for dinner. But I'm sick of chicken.haha

Let me be invisible for a while

Spiralling Down

This week just keeps getting better. Last night, I had to go for some site orientation that did not required me at all, but dunno-who insisted I had to go. If I know who it is I'll go give him a piece of my mind. I literally did nothing, and only got to sleep at 2am. I already lack sleep the past few nights and I thought I could finally catch up with my sleep. You know what you are? Goddamn motherfuckers.

And today I found out that maybe we specialists got to move out of our bunk, because our bunk is suppose to be a spare bunk. If it was spare, why throw us there when we first came in? You think it's easy to move after making that bunk homely for 3 months? I say fuck off.

And Specimen 1 keeps insisting I go for some stupid tests, which I keep scoring full marks and don't need to do such unnecessary things. Why the fuck are you still bugging me to go. (I'll explain the specimen thing when I'm not feeling so fucked up.)

And the battery 2IC insists that we specialists got for the outfield tomorrow. FUCK.

Plus, duty on Saturday. Means not booking out on Friday.

Shall go study my accounting to distract myself.

Give me someone to confide in.

Here I am, once again,
I'm torn into pieces.
Can't deny, can't pretend,
Just thought you were the one.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Shit Week

Monday: COS duty. Means wake up super early. Plus parade and super-long briefing.

Tuesday: simulated firing. Whole day.

Wednesday: 24/7 duty.

Thursday+Friday: Outfield.

Saturday: 24/7 duty

Sunday: book out 10am, book in that night.

Sucks right? Hope I can apply for next Monday off.

Wish I had someone to chat with :(

Guys who call girls names like "slut" and "bitchface" are plain fuckers. Hate such idiots.

Just had more drive to study. Vroom vroom. LOL

Learning new songs to play! Give Him Up by Faber Drive, My Favourite Game by The Cardigans, Supermassive Black Hole by Muse, Mr Brightside by The Killers...

Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry,
Behind these hazel eyes

Past and Parents

Recently my dad was transferring the old videos recorded when I was a toddler into the computer, for better storage. You see, when I was young, I had some infection that made my parents realise I may not long to live(well, my 19 years of existence proved them wrong! :) ), they decided to record me, making sure not a single second was wasted. Now, watching the videos, different thoughts start crossing my mind. Looking at my 2-year-old self, I wondered what crossed this toddler's mind, and whether he knew that he'd go through shit that I've experienced these years. Did he know he'd hide homework, get scolded, screw his O levels, become a brother, get into a university, and serve NS? I always wondered what I'd do if I could meet my young self. I'd try to teach him values that I learnt the hard way, so that he would not suffer like I did. I'd want to hold him and play with him like a little brother. Such innocence... I tend to wish I didn't lose it.

Then I noticed how much my parents cared and loved me when I was a toddler. 2 feelings: touched, and guilt. Having such great parents really helped me to become what I am today. Without them, I could be on the streets, or a school dropout. But my parents ensured my safe growth, a good education, a place to call home. I know kids may exaggerate when they say that their parents are great, but I honestly feel that they're awesome. As much as I tend to bicker with them, I respect them for what they've done. Just looking back makes me appreciate them even more.

Then there's guilt. When I was younger, I'd get really angry when I did not have things my way. i'd hate my parents for not giving in, thinking that they didn't understand me, that they were idiots, that freedom would be great. If I see my younger self, I'd tell him:"Go ahead. Go out and live alone. You're just being foolish." Thing is, I did not see things from their point of view. Like when my parents told me to be home by 10pm, I'd be damn angry. But think, wouldn't you be worried sick if your kid's out at night and you got no idea if he's still alive? Maybe he ran into some gang and got chopped up? Probably knocked down by some drunk driver? Despite me hating them at times for depriving me of certain things, they still take care of me. To have such patience and devotion, it's admirable. All the more I feel like they deserve more respect from me, and that I'm giving back enough.

So whenever you get angry at your parents, or wonder if you should spend time with family or friends, ask yourself: they've sacrificed so much for you, is it too much to ask you to make a small sacrifice for them? You think you got all the time in the world to repay, but no one lives forever.

When did you last tell them that you love them?

All the hate you have,
Is just your denial to love.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Shabu Shabu-ed

Just came back from Shabu Shabu with family. I'm so full! And just thinking about booking in makes me consider rolling to Yishun...haha. Ate the usual: beef, crispy wanton, more beef, fries, even more beef, noodles, extra beef, coke, did I mention beef?

Went to Katong Mall to get yoghurt drink from Cold Storage, and met Shu Yun there! Forgot she was working there. Well, I remember she was working there, just did not think that she was still working there. She called my name 2 or 3 times before I registered that somebody was calling me. I tend to do that. You see, when people call your name once, you won't be sure if that person is calling you. Imagine you respond when it was not you that person is calling... so embarrassing. So I tend to respond only at the second or third time my name is called. Also, the shop she was working at, Awfully Chocolate(thx Jeff for the correction LOL), was rather... empty. I only saw some nice brownie cubes and chocolate ice-cream. Looks cool though. I guess business starts small, right?

Book in. Don't feel like doing so. Haven't enjoy this weekend enough... :(

Feel like learning how to play Air on the G String on piano!

I try to keep you out, but you keep coming back.
Is it that my mind is weak, or I that I can't bear to let go?

And this is not a case of lust, you see
It's not a matter of you versus of me
It's fine the way you want me on your own
But in the end it's always me alone 

What's Sunday Without Jamming?

What's Sunday Without Jamming? It's like:
1)Going to work in the morning without coffee
2)Getting married without having a wedding
3)Going shopping without money
4)Your birthday without gifts, cakes, or anyone wishing you
5)Buying a car that is second-hand and spoilt
6)Watching a movie without audio or visual
7)Watching a chinese show without english subtitles
8)Celebrating Valentine's Day without a date
9)Playing Monopoly without friends
10)Sex without ... reaching the peak

The point is: It will suck. Need more examples?

Pop quiz!
Would you rather have the chinchilla?
Or be the chinchilla?

CR is sick, Kenny is sick, Jeff says he's falling sick, I'm falling sick :( So, no jamming :( So, I practise on my own :( So, boring :( Did catch up with my sleep though :) But didn't swim because of the lousy weather :( And Popeyes was C.O.L.D. :(  The chicken was so cold I did not enjoy chewing on it one bit :( And the fries would taste warmer in the Artic :( I've never not enjoy Popeyes before, today's the first :(

9/10 Smileys are ":(". Tell me today doesn't suck -_-

Book in makes a ten.

Never study today. Feel so wasted. Pffffffft.

Autumn's Concerto OST ftw! Love listening to the songs over and over again!

                    "You kept me waiting,
                      I don't care.
                      You coming back,
                      Is all that matters."

Now when I think of you,
All I remember are my regrets.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

IRNY, y'know?

Tired!!! Gym was good, and it was fun playing around with Kenny! Then headed to Bedok to find watches. Ate KFC, and laughed so hard when we imagined Jeff singing as Timbaland for If We Ever Meet Again. Went to find watches again, then headed to library. Wanted to borrow this particular financial accounting book, but I already have a fine waiting, so I dare not use my library card. Think I'll buy second-hand! Kenny was trying really hard to read Flashforward, but his imagination seemed down. In the end we left Jeff in the library to head home.

Planned to sleep for tonight's clubbing, but Kenny fell sick only minutes ago! Take care dude! So now I'm blogging to say that clubbing has been postponed. Well, not like it affects me much. Because my clubbing mood seems...lost. Clubbing is like my distraction! Next time, guys! Butter on a Friday, Saturday is not so good. Friday is more lively I think! But nothing beats a Wednesday... :P

(I thought of writing this in my other blog, but I decided to put it here)
As much as I try to not think about you, you seem to keep coming back. I try to bury the feelings, but they just crawl back up. Why why why? Why can't I just let you go? It tears my heart, but I'm willing to do it just for you. I know I screwed up big, so I'm planning to fade out of your life. I don't want to ruin what you have now, I want you to stay happy. You've your life, so perfect the way it is, and the last thing I want is to screw it all. I see myself as a bother, a nuisance, that's why I choose to disappear. All I want to know, just let me know please, is where I went wrong that sent everything, including my whole world, tumbling down...

But if you must know, you gave me genuine happiness in my life, even though I felt the worst pain ever too. To me, your happiness brings me mine :) You made me truly smile from the start, and I've not smiled for a long time. Yet you also change my perspective about love. The glass shatters, the cold hard truth settles in, but the spirit never dies. One small thing from you can still easily brighten my mood. You may not think much of this, but I think much of you :)

You may read this, you may not. You may realise, you may not. You may care, you may not. 
But I just want to let it out, because keeping it inside kills me from within.

I don't hate my Summer. I just wish it lasted.

PS. CR gang, don't ask me anything about this. I just wanted to let it out.

This letter is not meant for anyone in particular. It's just... a message for the stars.

Please please let there be jamming tomorrow!!! CR recover please!!! If Kenny is up to it, you guys wanna swim? We could use some tan! I need to swim! And run! Burn fats burn!!!

Downloaded the OST for Autumn's Concerto! :):):):):) Love the songs from that show!haha

Money problem. Pfft.

Study study study!

Can't you see that all I wanted,
Was to simply give you my all?

Wings Carpet

One thing about duty is the cold room we sleep in. The air-conditioner is on 24/7, and the temperature is set so low. Last night was freezing, and the rainy weather did nothing the situation. I was fully clothed, save my boots and socks, and the cold attacked my feet without mercy. Within minutes I was shivering and my teeth chattering. Eventually exhaustion overwhelmed me and I fell into an uncomfortable slumber.

This morning I went to the small toilet we had there, and I saw something I'd never expect to see in my life. The toilet floor, every corner, was covered with insect wings. Even the toilet bowl had a cluster in it. The wingless flies were still crawling around, but I could tell they were dying. The sight was plain disgusting. And it did not help that I was suppose to clean the toilet a bit before ending my duty. I really really wanted to just walk away and let the next duty team settle it. Honest. I lay on my bed pondering about my decision, eventually deciding to clear all the wings. It happened on my duty, so it was my responsibility. Pushing it to someone else went against what I believed. But after clearing the wings I've lost my appetite for breakfast, though I did help the hungry ants with the dead flies and their wings. Yucks.

And the next team to take over came late! I expect myself to reach home around 11am later -.-

Rainy day again. Looks like my swim is postponed.:S

Going to jam a bit before gym. Miss my guitar ttm! Need some Lovefool to brighten my day!haha See you guys at the gym later! Then can help Jeff with his little errand.LOL

Clubbing. Sigh.

She's a mystery,
She's too much for me.
But I keep coming back for more,
She's just the girl I'm looking for.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Yahoo...I Guess.

Tomorrow is clubbing! Seems we're going Butter Factory. Sounds like it'll be fun! Yet... I don't exactly feel thrilled... Shouldn't I be?

Maybe because Butter was where I became a fool and everything went wrong with it. Maybe I'm not as keen of "socialising" on the dancefloor as before. I wonder why, but I also feel I should just go. Gut feeling, its what they call it. And mine never me failed before, though I failed it before.

I just want to jam, see my family and hang out with the gang. At least they are real to me.

Gym and clubbing tomorrow! Gonna swim first in the morning!:)

Sorry baby,
But I don't see hearts and kisses.
All I find,
Is my heart in pieces.

Off By Accident

Hey lil' bunny, where are you hopping to?

Ok last night I set my phone alarm to 12:05am, so that I could wake up and go Facebook to write on someone's wall. But I think I must have pressed on my phone, which I placed beside my pillow, and I turned it off. So when I woke up at 4:55am today, I was wondering what the hell happened to my alarm. Thought I did not hear the alarm the entire night. Then i realized I off the phone by accident T_T DAMN.

Today is gonna be duty! At least my Saturday will be free!

Ok my Saturdays are going to be burnt because I'm marshalling for NDP, and there is rehearsal every weekend, plus weekdays, so I've got Mondays off. Kind of thrills me to think that I'm helping out with NDP :)

This morning saw the news about rise in fees for all the local universities, and it only motivates me to study even harder. Especially since SMU is so expensive, I don't plan to let my parents' hard earned money go to waste. Yesterday studied on the Sarbanes - Oxley thing, GAAP and users of accounting. Really tough. At least Mr. NTU Business is there to help me. haha

When the lights go out
I wanna watch the way you
Take the stage by storm
The way you wrap those boys around your finger
Go on and play the leader
'Cause you know it's what you're good at
The low road for the fast track
Make every second last

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Study Mode

I now know why XX is so busy in SMU. I always thought that it could not be that bad, but I'm wrong. I now know how much there is to study. So I'm seriously going to study in camp. Fortunately I've a bunkmate who is going to study too, and his girlfriend lent him her books. And I saw how much I need to study within a month in university, which is, trust me, A LOT.

I'm going to take this studying seriously so as not to lag behind when university starts. Honestly, I'm rather scared of the workload. Everyone can have fun now, but I'm going to sacrifice now so that I will not suffer next year. Fark the plans of clubbing and slacking in uni. Time to be realistic. Cheers.

Buy one get one free

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Rest Day

The day didn't exactly started too well. I went down to see the trainees going for breakfast early instead of waiting for one of us sergeants to come down, which made me a bit angry, and kind of hurt. It's like seeing them doing something you would expect them to not do. Betrayal of my trust, to say the least.

I'm getting quite tired of MC's lies in Autumn's Concerto. It's getting long-winded, though I'm already at ep17 of 21. Shall stop watching for a while.

Studied a bit of accounting yesterday! At least now I roughly know what accounting is about and how it's applied. Going to move on to people who needs these accounting information. Shall go research on some of those stuff that I don't really understand. I feel a familiar sense of nostalgia.

Kenny kenny. Let me explain. You just smile when you make eye contact, then look away. Shows that you're a happy guy:) Don't keep making eye contact though, because if not she'll think you're wierd. Or a pervert. Then, one day offer her your seat. Show her you are a considerate guy. Then the next time you see her on the train, give a small wave! Plus the smile of course. Eventually you can approach and say hi! Well, just remember at that point she's already somewhat familiar with you, so don't need to be scared to try to start a conversation. Then BOOM helloooo Kenny's gal. Haha

Had to swim in the end-.- But it was quite fun! Suppose to swim to one end, wear a uniform, then swim back with a fieldpack. But the pants was ridiculously huge, and kept coming out when I swam. So I left it at my ankles and swam back with my arms only.

So tired...and No mood to go night's out.

She stares at the world,
Asking why life's so frustrating.
The world simply stares back,
Saying it's all her doing.
She begs the world,
If she can turn back time.
The world pauses and say,
"Sorry, it is nobody's but mine."

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fark Sounds Cool

They say the bunny is from Alice in Wonderland. I got no idea.

Today duty was...dull. I mean, what's new? But I had fun taking the trainees today, so it's not so bad.

I was watching autumn's Concerto, and wonder why men rape. It's just disgusting. Why can't they control their raging desire? I mean, women seem fine controlling whatever little desire they have. Idiots like these should get their balls chopped off. No... Chop the whole thing off. But fear not girls. I've got a solution! Mind fark the bastard! Turn him off by laughing at his thing and it'll turn from a prawn to a tiny shrimp in no time! Confirm his mojo would die. Lol I'm REALLY bored here.

And I think "fark" is a good replacement word. It looks less...vulgar in a way. Like legal drugs.

Read some interesting dating tips in Men's Health. Shall post it in my other blog for personal reference.

I LOVE LOVEFOOL BY THE CARDIGANS! Please let's play this song.

Suddenly felt like clubbing because I heard some song and I was kinda rocking to the beat. Just go once. Then stop.

Dear Maria,
Count me in.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Jam Urge

Today I've managed to learn the bass for The Cardigans' Lovefool!!! Love that song ttm! Here's the songs that I more or less can play well:

1)Love Story - Taylor Swift
2)You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift
3)Get Back - Demi Lovato
4)Run Don't Walk - Hey Monday
5)How You Love Me Now - Hey Monday
6)Falling Down - Selena Gomez
7)Starlight - Muse
8)Long Shot - Kelly Clarkson
9)Behind These Hazel Eyes - Kelly Clarkson
10)Lovefool - The Cardigans

Had to cut hair before booking in this afternoon, and I barely reached camp on time. I was damn worried the haircut would be screwed up, but I kind of like it!

Had the remaining Domino's Pizza for lunch. Still taste as orgasmic. Beats Timbre pizza hands down. Feel like ordering it again this weekend!

Want to jam!!! Miss jamming. Now knowing we may perform our first gig ever, I'm more excited! This one would be a good tryout for our band!!! And we got to decide on a name. Check the group on FB people.


Reflect. Please. Seriously.

I'm trying to not think about you,
But does that also count as thinking about you?


Have you ever met people who, after you know them for some time, you label "Loser" or "Idiot" on their forehead forever? Because whatever they do is just screwed up, whether they know or not.

Take this guy I met in NS. Once, we all searched high and low for some dummy weapon that went missing, which turns out was in that guy's cupboard all along. Another time, he managed to lock everyone out of their bunk because he left the key inside the bunk. I think the officer had to climb in through the window to open the door from within. Also, he talks weird.

Not convinced? There's more.

Take this other guy I met in NS. He is so blur, even HD cannot make him any clearer. He's probably the biggest blur cock ever. Once, when we were in the same firing unit during training, he was suppose to throw a real smoke grenade over me to cover our retreat. Now, by that time I knew that faggot well enough, so I was mentally prepared for the grenade to land on me instead. True enough, the grenade landed at my feet, so I had to bolt.

Anyway, the point is, I could have a full day off today but noooo, I can only take half day because I need to attend a stupid lesson which is ineffective, and I will just doze off.haha

Still haven't cut my hair.Damn.

BTW, you guys take my revelation like I went through some transformation. Chillax people.haha

She's got you high and you don't even know yet
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
The sun's in the sky, it makes for happy endings
You can't deny you want a happy ending 

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sweet Disposition

2 words.... DOMINO PIZZA. Love it ttm! Ate a whole pizza, and nothing beats the good ol' classic pepperoni :)

Went to jam today, and we learnt a new song! Kelly Clarkson's Long Shot. Which is quite easy. Thanks CR for figuring out the tabs for me. It would take me quite a while to do it on my own. And was really exhausted today, so slept quite a bit.

Jeffish's new netbook is cool! And only $600. That's quite cheap! Too bad it isn't a Mac, because I think Mac is rather cool. The desktop is already so awesome! And jeff's desktop only got 1 icon I think. Go add more! Used the netbook to skpe sihua, who kept her fringe up. Let it down let it down! Look better with hair down.haha

Went for dinner with CR. HE NEEDS A FINANCIAL ADVISOR. Majority of the shops we past he'd say he wanted to get something. And he would suggest eating desserts at all the shops we passed, even though he keep worrying about how little cash he had. We went hunting for earphones for him, and I bought a cap! Love my new cap :) Oh, and I spent $62 on an Accounting book. Going to start studying while in camp!!!

Finally found two old, yet wonderful, songs! Love Fool by The Cardigans and I just Can't You Out Of My Head by Kylie Minogue! Addictive!haha

The band may perform for TKS Alumi crap! Sounds interesting... a good 1st gig!haha

A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A kiss, a cry
Our rights, our wrongs

Free Bird!

I've never enjoyed booking out like today! When I stepped out of the gate today, I Like I've just finish serving my time in prison and stepped into the outside world for the first time. Felt really good.

Duty was dull, to say the least. Spent my time with PSP and iPod Touch, watching Autumn Concerto!!! Autumn Concerto ftw! If I had a video convertor I'd be spamming The Mentalist though.haha

Today when I went to the 24/7 manning room to get my stuff, I heard my team commander's handphone ringing. And his ringtone was some girl moaning and moaning. Trust me, it definitely sounds from hentai. I mean, the sound of a girl moaning ends with her...reaching the peak. The tone did kinda make it sound like some remix, but it's still damn obvious.LOL

Had lousy camp food for so long! Need PIZZA.

Got to cut my hair, buy my cap, get Accounting book, pay my bills, and JAMJAMJAMJAMJAM.

It's like flying in the open sky.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Since sihua used that word, I'll use it for this post's title.haha

Ok I know I flipped, but I'm not going to delete that previous post, because it will help me remember my moment of weakness. And I now I kind of realised something, and everything fits perfectly.

I realised the problem didn't lie with the world, but rather with me.

I always wondered why the guys never worry about finding love. I thought that the time wasted on gaming could be spent with someone special if we manage to find that person(i still think gaming is a waste of time btw). So I decided to try to find love.

And through the couple of years all I got was failures and sadness. Yet I thought that soon I'd hit the jackpot. I kept going on and on, and all I did was hurt myself. For what? That question came to my mind eventually.

Then I realised, maybe I was playing it all wrong. As much as I want someone to love, to protect, to worry about, I cannot "find" the person. Because love is not something you find nor plan out, it's more of luck and time. Love, I feel, will come when the time is right. And only a fool like me thought I could catch it, like a little kid trying to grab butterflies with his bare hands.

So, nobody is to be blamed, except for myself. I don't hate anyone, except for myself.

I'll put my blog back to public, firstly because my friends would need to log in just to read which is troublesome. Second, because I want people to not screw up like me. Third, I'm not ashamed to show my flaws, as long as I learn and improve. My blog is not to show how great I am, but rather how great Things in life can change me for the better.

And just like that, I see a bigger picture, and I'm getting up onto my feet again. Life wasn't created to be wasted :)

Gawd I want to eat pizza. Having Domino's tomorrow for lunch! Yahoo!

What can I say?
I can't seem to stay down.

All Time Low

I'm going to be eating crap food for 24 hours more. 48 hours duty is no joke. I lack sleep, I'm hungry, I need to brush my teeth really badly, and I think I'm falling sick. And seems like they don't provide breakfast, means I've got to starve. I'm not even allowed to go out and buy food. Mess and canteen do not open on weekends. This is just great.

Everyone keeps calling me to do things. And I mean everyone. Like I'm some dog to them, running around for them. Can I just play dead?

Enough mind-fucking, people. I've had it.

One thing I learn today, is to keep everything closer to your chest. They don't need to know anything. Nobody does.

Emo has a new low.
Didn't you know?

Sorry for all this nonsense, guys. Just feel really fucked right now.haha

Friday, March 12, 2010

Tough Nut

They say let go,
I say no.
I may be down,
But I'm not out.
I'll get back up,
I'll not be some wimp.
I'm not doing this for anyone,
I'm getting up for my own sake.
Whatever you call it.
But I'm not giving up.

It's a big world out there.
But so is my spirit.