Thursday, November 25, 2010

Arkham City Is Coming!

I was at Kinokuniya today and saw this game magazine that mentioned 2011's Batman: Arkham City, the  game after Batman: Arkham Asylum. Looking forward to it's release! I saw Catwoman! And Harley Quinn has a cooler, less whore-ish outfit XD

I actually kind of miss camp. I mean, I love to relax at home, but I get bored real fast. I wake up, have breakfast, sit in front of my computer. At least in camp I get to see my friends, go through shit with them, have some good laughs and bitching sessions. Yes, guys do bitch about other people. We do not let girls have all the fun :D The thought of extending my ORD date is rather tempting...

On the way home there was a group of rowdy teenagers on the train. F***ing losers making so much noise.

It happened so fast, but from what I remember you turned slightly when you saw me approaching. Maybe you were ashamed to be seen by your cool friends with me? I know I'm not exactly a cool guy, but that was probably the most painful thing for me. Oh well, I knew I was bothersome. I wonder, if I just die, will anyone remember me? Heck, will anyone even care?

Oh we dreamed a life
It was just like that, was like that
And just like that, and just like that it's done

~ Maria Taylor - Time Lapse Lifeline

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