Monday, September 19, 2011

Transformers War For Cybertron (PC) Review

I recently got into the game again when I bought the novel that was related to the game, and thought I'd give a review of it! Mine is the PC version, so I'm not sure how much the consoles version deviates. I only know that DLC packs are only available for console versions T.T No Shockwave for PC version...

Graphics-wise, this game impresses. The detailing is really good, be it the characters or the environment. The cinematics look so good, you actually wished that these were the movie rather than Micheal Bay's films. Don't get me wrong! His films are nice, but this game is definitely a good competitor. I love Soundwave the most, well, second to Optimus Prime. In fact he looks so cool, yet maintaining his G1 look, that I decided to purchase the toy! If you look closely at the back of Megatron and Optimus Prime (not sure about the others), you'll see their respective factions' logos on their backs, which shifts once in a while. That's pretty cool, if you ask me. My only issue is the lip sync of the cinematics. But, small issue.

The plot is not new to Transformers fans. Optimus Prime rises up as leader of the Autobots, while Megatron decides to reign over Cybertron. The story is really good and easy for people new to the Transformers world to digest, making it rather appealing. Another thing is that the story tries to bring in as many known characters as it can, from Optimus Prime to Skywarp and even the huge Omega Supreme! All it needs is a Unicron to make Transformers fans die in heaven.

Since I'm talking about characters, I'll go a bit further about this point. You can to play a wide range of characters, such as Bumblebee, Ratchet, Jetfire, Starscream, etc. I'm pretty sure Devastator was not in the game (sorry I played the game quite some time back), although that would be cool. He's the bad-ass gestalt that I want to use or battle with. For every character you can customize what two weapons to carry, and every character has their own buffs. Like a Transformer, you can transform. And I enjoyed using the aerial bots the most. Imagine running towards a cliff, jumping off it, and transforming into a jet before blasting off. Wicked.

Gameplay is quite okay. I wouldn't say it is fantastic. You have a melee attack which is actually quite pathetic. I'd rather keep my distance and blast the guy. It's not like the melee is very damaging. So why bother? And the enemy units get rather repetitive. They are either the small, easy-to-own kind, or the big irritating buggers that only serves to waste your time and health. Your AI allies are for decoration, honestly. They hardly do much damage, and enemies seldom focus their attention on your allies. It's frustrating to have Trypticon blasting at me all the way while my AI allies pathetically try to help me assault him. Or at least, I think they were shooting him. The only use I found for them was for me to melee them while stoning in the elevators, or generally anywhere.

Was there soundtracks in the game? Er.. not that I know of, so let's skip that.

I've not tried the multiplayer modes, but I plan to try them once I re-install this game! When I do, I'll update this review.

I'm not sure what else I should add about the game. But as a whole, this game pleases both hardcore Transformers fans and newcomers alike. Good story, awesome graphics, nice gameplay... go get the game if you haven't gotten it! Or borrow from a friend! Or download. Don't worry, I bought mine :)

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